Parish News & Notes
Special Announcements from our Clergy, Staff, and Societies
KIDZ4KIDZ ST. NICHOLAS GIVING TREE: Is an extension of our Kidz4Kidz outreach. Shopping for a child or senior citizen starts the week of Nov. 17th. Stay tuned to see how you can participate and help make a difference in a specific local person’s life this Christmas.
HOLIDAY LOVE AND CARE DRIVE: Our Sunday School is asking our parish to please bring in donations of mittens, gloves, hats and scarves for the needy of our area. Please bring in these items to the church office during the months of November and December as part of your almsgiving during the Nativity Fast.
KIDZ4KIDZ CHRISTMAS DRIVE: We will be spreading Christmas cheer to some of our local extraordinary special needs children in local shelters by collecting new toys from Nov. 1st to Dec. 12th. We are requesting new, clean non-violent toys. Also, we are in need of jeans, socks, shower gift sets (boys and girls), earbuds and touch-screen gloves. We are NOT collecting stuffed animals. Items may be brought on Sundays and placed in the bin located in the entrance (exonarthex) of the Cathedral or dropped off at the church office during weekly business hours. Please call Eva Kostides at 219-308-8370 with any questions.
PROSPHORON & OLIVE OIL NEEDED: Once again, our parish is seeking donations of prosphoron and olive oil. Please bring these items to church with you when you come for worship or to the church office during the week. Thank you!
SHUT-IN VISITATION: If anyone is shut in at home, the hospital or nursing home and would like our clergy to visit and administer the Sacraments of Holy Confession, Holy Communion and/or Holy Unction, please call the church office at 219-769-2481 to make an appointment.
HOLY CONFESSION: Make an appointment with your spiritual father or parish priest for your spiritual checkup. Remember, confession is good for the soul!