Cathedral Sunday Church School
Religious Education Programs for Cathedral Youth
Sunday School is held each Sunday after divine services until 11am unless otherwise noted.
SOUPER BOWL FOR HUNGER: Our Sunday School is collecting donations for the IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) as they address food vulnerability throughout the world. Please consider donating to this worthy cause. Donations will be accepted from this Sunday till the end of February. You can also scan the code to donate on line.
2025 PARISH ORATORICAL FEST: On Sunday, March 16th our parish will be hosting its annual Oratorical Festival after Divine Liturgy. The Oratorical Festival is open to all youth in grades 7-12 in the categories of speech, essay, iconography, poetry, vocal solo or vocal chant. The winners of each category will participate in the Metropolis Festival on April 26th at the Assumption Church in Chicago. Anyone interested in participating or learning more should contact Maria Earth at
SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION is now open and can be accessed online at